Monthly Programs

Most months a member will give a presentation, discussing a current work in progress, the research and writing process, or an area of personal interest and expertise. A collegial Q&A ensues, and the speaker can, if they wish, ask for suggestions for improvement in case they will be giving the talk at other venues. These programs are usually held at 2:00 PM on the third Sunday of the month, except for December; exceptions can be made as necessary. A digital projector and screen are available. Another member volunteers to take notes and write a report for the newsletter, or the speaker may provide a synopsis instead.

We try to have a speaker each month, though this is not always possible. Ideally, we schedule the programs as far in advance as possible. Members who are interested in giving a talk or other program (such as a film or exhibit tour) should email

Videos of some presentations can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.

Next Monthly Program

Sunday, August 18, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.
The Early Chinese of Sonoma Valley
A presentation by Peter Meyerhof

Chinese grape growers in the Sonoma Valley (1880)

The history of the early Chinese who lived in the Sonoma Valley has been almost forgotten. Today they represent less than 1% of the population of the Valley, yet at one time, close to one-quarter of the residents were Chinese immigrants. They adapted successfully to life among a very different culture and became an integral part of the community, yet were prevented from full integration into the greater society. We can get beyond the stereotypes of nameless Oriental men and look into the lives of several individuals whose identities and stories have been preserved. What emerges are diverse narratives of exploitation, acceptance, fear, respect, and friendship, that reveal as much about the Chinese as the rest of the population.
Peter Meyerhof has doctorates in both cell biology and dentistry, but researching the history of Northern California is what has occupied his free time over the past 30 years. He has received awards for his original research on a variety of historical topics. He has published some of his work over this period and, now retired, plans to research and publish much more. He has been active in the Institute for Historical Study for over ten years and has shared his work with us before.
Using photographs, oral histories, and historical documents, Peter will weave the stories of individual Chinese residents into the history of events that shaped their life in a small rural valley.
You are welcome to invite friends and colleagues to attend.
We need a volunteer to write a short report on the presentation for the newsletter. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the program coordinator (Dan Kohanski).
The presentation will be recorded, and the question-and-answer part will be posted on YouTube for IHS members only. If you don’t want to be on the recording, just make sure your video is off. And please remember to mute your microphone!