IHS 2012 Newsletters

Winter 2012-13
Annual Dinner:  The Global Migrations of Ornamental Plants (Judith Taylor)
WIP:  The Legacy of Shunryu Suzuki (David Chadwick)
A Day with Jack London
History by Other Means:  Using Archives in Prayer Services, by Kathleen O’Connor
Reports from 2012 Minigrant Recipients (Ellen Huppert, Steven Levi, Jackie Pels)

Fall 2012
WIP: The Indefatigable, Irrepressible Albert “Mickey” Bender (Ann Harlow)
Wikipedia as an Outlet for Your Scholarship
Response by Bert Gordon to WIP report, Summer issue
Book Review, Rude Awakenings:  An American Historian’s Encounters with Nazism, Communism, and McCarthyism, by Carol Sicherman

Summer 2012
WIP: History by Other Means (Leslie Friedman, Bonda Lewis, Judith Offer)
WIP: France and World War II: The Tourist Perspective During and Since (Bert Gordon)
Exhibition Tour: Wild Flight of the Imagination, California Historical Society
Book Publishing Basics Seminar
Book Review, Cowboys of the Sky: The Story of Alaska’s Bush Pilots, by Steven C. Levi
Response by Richard Raack to WIP report, Winter issue

Spring 2012
Annual Meeting Talks (Robert Chandler, Anne Richardson, Celeste MacLeod)
Book Review, Vasco’s Livermore, 1910 by Anne Homan
