IHS 2013 Newsletters

Winter 2013-14
WIP: A Woman of Unbearable Opinions: Fanny Trollope (Celeste MacLeod)
WIP: Dr. Robert Semple: California Pioneer and Nationalist (Peter Meyerhof)
Public Program: Treasures in the Archives
Excursion Preview: Juana Briones y su California: Pionera, Fundadora, Curandera
Book Review: Sue Bessmer, How the World Worked: From the Pharaohs to Christopher Columbus

Fall 2013
WIP: Writers Group
Excursion: Green Gulch Farm Zen Center
Book Review: Judith Robinson, Alan Cranston, Senator from California
Public Program: C. W. Gortner on The Queen’s Vow: A Novel of Isabella of Castile

Summer 2013
WIP: Compared to What? (Judith Offer)
WIP: Nobody Travels South of Rome: Finding Calabria (Cathy Robbins)
An Excursion to Vallejo

Spring 2013
Annual Meeting Report
In Memoriam:  Frank Tilson Brechka
Book Review:  Church and State in the City:  Catholics and Politics in Twentieth-Century San Francisco by William Issel
