Monthly Program: The Norwich Blood Libel

Sunday, July 21, 2:00 pm 2024, Monthly Program via Zoom.

A presentation by Esther Mordant

Shortly before Easter, 1144, a year at which Easter and Passover coincided, a 12-year-old boy, William, a tanner’s apprentice,

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Monthly Program: Judaism, Christianity, and War

Sunday, June 16, 2:00 pm, 2024 Monthly Program via Zoom.

A presentation by Dan Kohanski

At almost any moment in recorded history, someone, somewhere, is at war. While wars are fought for many different reasons, when religion gets involved,

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Monthly Program: A Torrid Splendor: Can this book be saved?

Sunday, April 21, 2024

A presentation by Cathy Robbins

In her work in progress, A Torrid Splendor: Seeking Calabria, Cathy Robbins tells a story about a society’s fall from grace. Once upon a time Calabria was a jewel in the diadem of Magna Graecia,

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Monthly Program: Mendocino Refuge: A World Apart and A Part of the World

Sunday, March  17, 2024

A presentation by Dot Brovarney

Dot’s book, Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon, is a multifaceted story of the people, plants, and animals who inhabited the wild Reeves Canyon on California’s North Coast.

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Monthly Program: Bringing History Alive From the Words of Those Who Were There

Sunday, February 18, 2024

“Bringing History Alive From the Words of Those Who Were There
A presentation by Judith Robinson

Author Judith Robinson tells stories from her historical and political biographies about the Hearst family,

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Monthly Program: Writing “Letters to Berlin: Writings of a German Jewish Refugee”

Sunday, January 21, 2024  Monthly Program via Zoom.

Letters to Berlin: Writings of a German Jewish Refugee
A presentation by Peter  Crane

October 31,

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Monthly Program: Writing “Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Leader”

Sunday, November 19, 2023  Monthly Program via Zoom.

Writing Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Leader
A presentation by Robert Cherny

The iconic leader of one of America’s most powerful unions,

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Monthly Program: Round Table on Historians’ Work

Sunday, October 15, 2023, Monthly Program via Zoom.

“Round Table on Historians’ Work”
A Conversation with Rob Robbins and Oliver Pollak

How do historians work? How do they decide what to study,

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Monthly Program: How We Domesticated Fire, and Fire Domesticated Us

Sunday, September 17, 2023, Monthly Program via Zoom.

How We Domesticated Fire, and Fire Domesticated Us
A Presentation by Jim Gasperini

Jim is nearing completion of his cultural history of fire,

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Monthly Program: First Ladies and Women’s Rights: Daughters of the Enlightenment

Sunday, August 20, 2023, Monthly Program via Zoom.

First Ladies and Women’s Rights: Daughters of the Enlightenment
A Presentation by Elizabeth Thacker-Estrada and Patricia Southard


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Monthly Program: A Brief History of the End of the World

Sunday, June 18, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

“A Brief History of the End of the World”
A Presentation by Dan Kohanski

Many religions expect the end of the world to happen eventually.

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Monthly Program: One Picture — Several Stories: The Petrograd Children’s Colony in Russia and America

Sunday, May 21, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

“One Picture — Several Stories: The Petrograd Children’s Colony in Russia and America.”
A Presentation by Maria Sakovich

The identification of a photograph found in a Sakovich family album has revealed over the course of 30 years a little-known and unusual,

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Monthly Program: “Designed for Large Explosions” – The Port Chicago explosion and the Manhattan Project

Sunday, March 19, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

“Designed for Large Explosions” – The Port Chicago explosion and the Manhattan Project
A Presentation by Daisy Brown Herndon

Daisy Brown Herndon, a former school librarian,

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Monthly Program: Kissing Cousins: The Artistic Lives of San Francisco’s Albert M. Bender and Anne M. Bremer

Sunday, March 19, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

Kissing Cousins: The Artistic Lives of San Francisco’s Albert M. Bender and Anne M. Bremer
A Presentation by Ann Harlow

When Anne M.

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Monthly Program: The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of Paraplegic Vivian Edward’s Transcontinental Goat Cart Odyssey, 1907-10

Sunday, February 19, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom

The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of Paraplegic Vivian Edward’s Transcontinental Goat Cart Odyssey, 1907-10
A Presentation by Oliver B.

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Monthly Program: Mindful Surrealism: Practice-Based Research in San Francisco

Sunday, January 15, 2022 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

Mindful Surrealism: Practice-Based Research in San Francisco

A Presentation by Nathan Foxton

Surrealism is a cultural and art historical movement that evolved over the 20th century,

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Monthly Program: The Genocide in California’s Closet

Sunday, December 18, 2022 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

The Genocide in California’s Closet
A Presentation by Robeert Aquinas McNally

Most Californians are unaware that in the second half of the 19th century their state sponsored and funded a campaign to exterminate its Indigenous peoples — a mass atrocity known under contemporary international law as genocide.

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Monthly Program: Eternal Flames: Excerpt from a work in progress

Sunday, October 16, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom. View a video of this presentation here.

Eternal Flames: Excerpt from a work in progress
A Presentation by Jim Gasperini

Jim presented a chapter of his work in progress,

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Monthly Program: How to Create Your Own Legacy Book

Sunday, September 18, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

How to Create Your Own Legacy Book
A Presentation by Margaretta Mitchell

Margaretta is both photographer and writer, who always brings research and history into her books.

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Public Program: Writing and Revising Narrative History

Sunday, August 21, 2:00 pm, Public Program. view a video of this presentation here.

Writing and Revising Narrative History
A Presentation by Megan Kate Nelson

Join the Mechanics’ Institute and the Institute for Historical Study for this exciting talk about writing with historian Megan Kate Nelson who left academia in 2014 to become a full-time writer.

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Monthly Program: The Joy of Life: Impressionists and Post-impressionists in Russia

Sunday, July 17, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.

The Joy of Life:
Impressionists and Post-impressionists in Russia
A Presentation by Marina Oberatova

Russia has one of the world’s best collections of French Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. It rivals the holdings of French museums—especially when it comes to the masterpieces of Paul Gauguin,

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Monthly Program: General Vallejo’s Efforts to Establish a Mission in Santa Rosa

Sunday, June 19, 2:00 pm,  via Zoom.

A Presentation by Peter G. Meyerhof

In 1834, all of the 19 missions in Alta California were turned over to civil administrators who were to take over secular control from the mission priests and arrange distribution of assets including the land to the baptized Native Americans who had worked there.

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Monthly Program: Second Wave Feminism in a Post War Suburban Synagogue

Sunday, May 15, 2:00 pm,  via Zoom
A Presentation by Michael Several

Between 1968 and 1979, women at the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center wrote and produced five musical comedies. These productions are an example of women forging a presence in an institution that barred them from equal participation in religious ritual and prevented them from fully participating in temple governance.

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Monthly Program: Why the Jews Won’t Accept Jesus, and Why This Is a Problem for Christians

A video of this presentation can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.

Saturday, April 16, 2022 10:00 am

From the start, Christians have made special efforts to convert Jews. With rare exception, however, Jews have never been interested. Focusing mainly on Christianity’s first few centuries,

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Monthly Program: Matera and the Sassi: From National Shame to International Fame

Sunday, March 20 2022        A video of this presentation can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.
A Talk by Marilyn L. Geary
Its troglodyte residents ravaged by poverty and disease, its rock-walled churches all but forgotten,

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Monthly Program: George Daniel de Monfreid: Post-Impressionist Trailblazer & Gauguin’s Best Friend

Sunday, February 22, 2:00 pm
A Talk by Laure Latham

The French artist George Daniel de Monfreid (1856-1929) broke from mainstream impressionism early on, becoming a leading voice of the post-impressionist movement in his country.

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Monthly Program: Beyond Genealogy -Tips and Techniques for Researching and Presenting Family History Online

Sunday, January 16, 2:00 pm.
A Talk by Jim Gasperini

The internet can bring life to a tree of boxes listing who begat whom. Jim will show how – using The Colburn Chronicles,

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Monthly Program: The Four Wars That Shaped George Orwell, From the “Great” One to the “Cold” One

Sunday, December 19, 2:00 pm

A Talk by Peter Stansky

Peter Stansky will discuss how Orwell was shaped by his experiences of living through four wars: the First World War while he was growing up; the Spanish Civil War,

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Monthly Program: Exploring Indigenous California History

Sunday, November 21, 2:00 pm
Ann Harlow presented

An informal talk for Native American Heritage Month about my recent adventures in developing a group and blog site on “Honoring Indigenous Peoples,” formulating a land acknowledgment, paying Shuumi land tax,

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Monthly Program: Organized Crime, Big Business, and the Corruption of American Democracy

Sunday, October 12,  7:00 pm
Jonathan Marshall presented

Bay Area author Jonathan Marshall offers an original take on an old subject, political corruption, and challenges the myth of a past golden age of American democracy.

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Monthly Program: Out of the Fog: The Surprising Origin Story of the Cable Cars

Sunday, September 19,  2:00 pm
Taryn Edwards  presented

San Francisco’s historic cable cars have reopened! Beloved by tourists and locals alike, the cable cars are integral to the development, character, and culture of San Francisco. Join Taryn Edwards for a peek into her research about the cable car’s surprising origins and an update on the life of Andrew Smith Hallidie,

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Monthly Program: George Templeton Strong, the Civil War Sanitary Commission, and the Women’s Movement

Sunday, August 15,  2:00 pm, Monthly Program, via Zoom.
Christopher Webber presented

A Wall Street lawyer’s Civil War project to help preserve the Union inadvertently ended up empowering women and paving the way to health-care reform.

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Monthly Program: Solomon Schocken: Sonoma’s Preeminent Jewish Entrepreneur

Sunday, July 18,  2:00 pm
Peter Meyerhof presented

Solomon Schocken (1842-1932) was a Jewish immigrant who rose quickly to considerable significance in Sonoma and beyond, through his own business ventures and as a mentor to several future entrepreneurs.

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The Social Crusader: Berkeley Mayor J. Stitt Wilson’s Lifelong Quest for a Just Society

Thursday July 22 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PDT

Author Stephen E. Barton introduced his new book, J. Stitt Wilson: Socialist, Christian, Mayor of Berkeley. Faced with the dramatic extremes of wealth and poverty that characterized Gilded Age America, Wilson (1868-1942) gave up a promising career in the ministry to advocate for “applied Christianity”—a democratic and socialist economy based on caring and cooperation that would embody Jesus’s message of love.

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Monthly Program: The Socialite and the Sea Captain – Louise Arner Boyd and Captain Bob Bartlett on the 1941 Arctic Voyage of the Effie M. Morrissey

Sunday, June 20,  2:00 pm
David Hirzel presented

A talk by David Hirzel on the prickly relationship between the socialite and the sea captain on his famous schooner Effie M. Morrissey. When war threatened U.S. neutrality in 1940,

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Monthly Program: Richard Hurley, “Campaigns of the California Volunteers”

Sunday, May 16,  2:00 pm, Monthly Program, via Zoom. Richard Hurley  presented:

Campaigns of the California Volunteers
This multimedia show chronicles the adventures (and misadventures) of the nearly 17,000 young men who volunteered for the Union army during the Civil War. Moved by passionate patriotism,

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Monthly Program: David Goldberg, A Family History

Sunday, April 18,  2:00 pm,  Institute member David Goldberg on

A Family History
a photographic historical essay using the language of contemporary visual art

This essay sits at the space where family and history intersect.

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Monthly Program:  a special webinar

Sunday, March 21,  2:00 pm, 
Beth Wright (daughter of longtime IHS member Georgia Wright) will provide practical information and guidance to help aspiring authors succeed with their self-published books. The webinar will include tips on how to find and work with the most suitable editors and other book publishing professionals;

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Institute Activities

See what’s coming up for Institute members or the public on our What’s New page. Prospective members can inquire about coming once or twice as a visitor before joining. Public events are irregular. 

old calendar

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Monthly Program: Lost Department Stores of San Francisco

Sunday, October 18, 2 pm, Monthly Program  via Zoom. Anne Evers Hitz presented:
Lost Department Stores of San Francisco: Six Bygone Stores That Defined an Era

In the late nineteenth century, San Francisco’s merchant princes built grand stores for a booming city,

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Revealing San Francisco’s Hidden 19th-Century Black History: A Tour of California Historical Society Artifacts

Saturday, September 26, 1:00 pm, Public Program  via Zoom – pre-registration required

Part of San Francisco History Days, this event is co-sponsored by the California Historical Society and the California African American Museum.

Join Susan D. Anderson,

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Monthly Program:  Black History in Marin County

Sunday, September 20,  Monthly Program:  Black History in Marin County: From the Spaniards to the Great Migration

IHS member Marilyn Geary presented unique stories of Black individuals who made their marks amid the biases of a predominantly white society.

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Monthly Program: Exploring the Links between Tourism and War

Sunday, July 26,  2 pm: Mills College history professor emeritus and 40-year Institute member Bert Gordon presented  “Exploring the Links between Tourism and War, based on the research for Bert’s most recent book, War Tourism: Second World War France from Defeat and Occupation to the Creation of Heritage,

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Harlem of the West: The Fillmore Jazz Era and Redevelopment

A lecture with Elizabeth Pepin Silva
Sunday, August 16 2020 at 2:00 PM
via Zoom

Ms. Silva is a documentary filmmaker, photographer, writer, and former day manager of the historic Fillmore Auditorium. She grew up all around the Bay Area 

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The Coit Tower Murals: Visual Feast, Political Controversy, Decades of Neglect, and a Spectacular Restoration

A lecture with Professor Emeritus Robert Cherny
Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Presidio Interfaith Chapel

The murals at Coit Tower were completed 85 years ago, in the early summer of 1934. They were, at the time, the largest art project funded by the New Deal, and they influenced other New Deal art across the country.

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Monthly Program – Museum Exhibit Talk and Tour

Monthly Program for May: Exhibit Talk and Tour at the Richmond Museum of History

Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 2 pm

Richmond Museum of History, 400 Nevin Avenue, Richmond

Prof. Oliver B. Pollak will give a talk and a tour of the exhibit:  Pioneers to the Present,

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South Asians in the South Bay

Friday, September 28  12:00 pm to 1:00 pm:  South Asians in the South Bay: The Privileged Immigrants – with Jeevan Zutshi

profile_jeevan2Offered in partnership with the Indo-American Community Federation and the Mechanics’ Institute, IACF founder Jeevan Zutshi will talk about the South Asian community that has developed in Fremont,

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Conversation on History Publishing

Malcolm and jackie
Speaking June 17, 2018:

Malcolm Margolin headed Heyday Books from 1974 to 2015, and Jackie Pels has run Hardscratch Press since 1990. Join us on Sunday, June 17 (our usual Work-in-Progress time slot, the 3rd Sunday) at the Berkeley Central Public Library,

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Local History Excursion May 20: Niles Canyon

Niles pano

Join the California and the West Group at Niles Canyon in Fremont on Sunday, May 20, for an entire day of history-laden activities organized by Rose Marie Cleese. “Tentative plans call for a late-morning half-hour ride on the historic Niles Canyon Railway from Fremont to Sunol (for a nominal fee),

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The Future of the Past in the Digital Age

RS19165_Case15wallGIS_800px-qut-768x434This March! Two illuminating panels that explore the intersection of digital technology and history. Whether you’re a researcher, writer, history teacher, student, archivist, historian, or simply a history buff, you’ll discover how today’s technology tools are changing the study and accessibility of all things historical forever. 

Panelists include:

  • Chris Carlsson,

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Save the Date: Feb. 24


Our annual membership meeting will be on Saturday, February 24 at the Mechanics’ Institute Library, San Francisco. Come hear what we’ve been up to, elect some new board members, have lunch, and hear a presentation by Monika Trobits, one of our mini-grant recipients.

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Holiday Greetings from the Institute!

Christmas greetings

May you have a fun-filled or restful holiday season, whichever you prefer. We hope to see you in the New Year—see our Upcoming Events.

Prospective members, we hope you will join us in 2018. Existing members, please recruit someone new!

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Thank You!

potluckJody Offer once again hosted our annual potluck at her house, and a good time was had by all! Many thanks to Jody and her husband Stuart, and to the fabulous chefs among our group. Eating and drinking together has always been a favorite activity of the Institute for Historical Study!

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Public Event: “Siberia and California”

Siberia and California: Connections during the Russian Revolution and Civil War

Late in 1917 (25 October according to the Old Style calendar, 7 November according to the New Style), shortly after the US entered World War I and began sending troops to France on the side of the Allies,

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History Play Readers Invite Newcomers

Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 3.14.48 PMThe history play readers will meet on Friday, October 27, at 1 pm at the San Francisco home of Nancy Zinn to read and discuss Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitemore. The title refers both to Alan Turing’s work as a mathematician  and computer science pioneer,

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Martinez adobeThe California and the West Study Group is sponsoring an event on September 30th open to the whole Institute membership.  We will be attending a fandango in Martinez at the historic Martinez adobe, with a number of added inducements. The fandango, a traditional community dance, has been organized by a group that sings historic Californio songs and also plays for dancing,

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It’s Mini-Grant Time!

Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 5.42.41 PMThe Institute Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Mini-Grant Program for 2017-18. The deadline for this year’s application is September 15. The Mini-Grant Committee will examine the applications and report its decisions to the Board, which will have the final say. Checks will be issued by October 15.

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Mother Lode Trip, Sept. 23–25, 2016

Members of the Institute, along with members of the Italian-American Studies Association, had a fabulous history trip to the heart of California’s Gold Country the weekend of September 23–25, 2016.

Thank you to Rose Marie Cleese for organizing it! For a report on the weekend, see our Fall 2016 newsletter.

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History of Art Venues in Berkeley

Howard Sketch croppedAnn Harlow and the California and the West Study Group invite Institute members and their guests to a day of local art and architecture history in Berkeley on Saturday, January 23, 2016. We will meet at 10 am at the Berkeley Historical Society, Veterans Memorial Building, 1931 Center Street.

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It’s Mini-Grant Time!

US-$500-LT-1880-Fr-185lThe Institute Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Mini-Grant Program for 2015-16. The deadline for this year’s application is September 15. The Mini-Grant Committee will examine the applications and report its decisions to the Board, which will have the final say. Checks will be issued by October 15.

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Annual Meeting New Member Presentations

Library Albemarle Constantine cropped

Excerpts from the report in the Spring 2015 Newsletter:

Sue Mote is working on a novel, “An Ordinary Viking,” the story of an adventure-seeking youth who really doesn’t like the shedding of blood. When researching the Viking age for a work of fiction,

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Report on San Francisco Main Library Tour

SF History Center
Nine Institute members received an exclusive tour of the main San Francisco Public Library on January 31, 2015. Our guide, Susan Goldstein, has served as City Archivist since 1995. In her position, she works with all the city departments to preserve and make accessible their historical records.

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SFPL Tour 1/31/15

SFPL-archictectureBrought to you by the California and the West Study Group:  Please join us for a special tour of the New Main Library on Saturday, January 31st, from 10:15 AM to 12 noon. The New Main (now almost 20 years old!) opened its doors on April 18,

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Public Program: World War I Films

All QuietA series of major films about World War I begins in January and continues into May. Showings will be on Sunday afternoons, at the San Francisco Main Library on the dates indicated below. Each film will be introduced by an Institute member, and there will be time for discussion afterwards.

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Local History Field Trips for 2015

Brush_Stroke_2015_CalendarSix members of the Institute whose specialties include California got together on November 8th at Jody Offer’s house to plan for a year of programs.  Meeting were Jody, Ann Harlow, Joanne Lafler, Rose Marie Cleese, Peter Meyerhof, and Edith Piness.  After some discussion, the group concluded that having a series of visits to historic sites had proven to be a winning formula for 2014 and that there was plenty of material for another year of such explorations. 

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Report on Richmond Waterfront Field Trip

On July 26 a dozen or so Institute members and friends visited aboard the SS Red Oak Victory ship moored in Richmond (an exhibition of the Richmond Museum of History). This Victory ship, built in 1944 at the Kaiser Shipyards, was one of ten built for the Navy.

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Report on Los Gatos Field Trip

Institute members converged from the East Bay, South Bay, and San Francisco at the History Museum of Los Gatos on March 27th.  Dawn Maxson gave us a leisurely tour, beginning with the story of the handsome stone building, part of a flour mill from the 1850s that hosted rock concerts in the early 1970s.

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Los Gatos Field Trip

Los Gatos catsLos Gatos gateThe California and the West study group invites you to tour the exhibition at the History Museum of Los Gatos, American Bohemia: The Cats Estate in Los Gatos.  The exhibition explores the storied lives of Charles Erskine Scott Wood and Sara Bard Field,

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History Expo

For the first time, the Institute for Historical Study will have an information booth at the San Francisco History Expo at the Old Mint, presented by the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society on March 1 and 2, 2014, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  

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Visit to Juana Briones Exhibition

Juana tour

On  January 25th about sixteen of us had the privilege of a preview tour of the new exhibition at the California Historical Society, San Francisco, guided by Executive Director Anthea Hartig with commentary by Institute member Jeanne Farr McDonnell. (More to come soon.)

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Report on Archives Program

We had a good turnout at the San Francisco Main Public Library on October 10th for the program on “Treasures in Archives: Research Possibilities for Students, Teachers and Scholars.”  All four speakers gave interesting presentations. Susan Goldstein spoke about the City Archives in the library’s San Francisco History Center.  They have recently acquired huge amounts of records from city departments from the Police Department to the Redevelopment Agency to the Medical Examiner (coroner). 

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Public Program on Archives, October 10

Where would historians be without archives? Come to the San Francisco Main Public Library and learn about some lesser-known archival treasures of San Francisco. Four archivists will highlight resources for local history and national history within a local setting: Chris Doan, Archivist for the Sisters of the Presentation; Susan Goldstein,

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Annual Potluck, September 7

About 25 Institute members and guests gathered on Saturday, September 7th, at Margaretta Mitchell’s house on the Berkeley/Oakland border. Thank you, Gretta, for hosting us! After a sumptuous dinner we discussed possible uses for the Frank Brechka bequest. A task force was created to explore some of the options, to be chaired by Ellen Huppert.

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Trip to Green Gulch Farm Zen Center

On August 15, a beautiful, sunny Thursday, fourteen Institute members and friends ventured to Marin County to the Green Gulch Farm Zen Center near Muir Beach. Jody Offer worked on arrangements, and David Chadwick, our long-time member, whose work on a website on Shunryu Suzuki he had summarized in a work-in-progress recently,

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World Map, Thomas Cavendish, 1707

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.

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Native American Encampment on Lake Huron, Paul Kane (1810-1871)

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.

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The Old Plantation​, ca. 1790, attr. to John Rose

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.

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The Unicorn is Found

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.
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Companions, Claude Raguet Hirst (1855-1942)

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.

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Golden Gate, San Francisco Bay, Fortunato Arriola (1827-1872)

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history.

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Vallejo Outing April 13, 2013

Twelve Institute members had a history-filled day in Vallejo on April 13, with private viewings of two institutions: the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum, where Executive Director Jim Kern gave us a tour before regular open hours, and the McCune Collection at the Vallejo Public Library.  Highlights at the museum included artifacts from Mare Island (the first U.S.

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2012 Annual Dinner Lecture Report

The Global Migrations of Ornamental Plants

Plants migrate across the globe by hitching rides on exported building materials, riding as seeds in the entrails of animals, stowing away in the luggage of plant-loving travelers, or simply floating on wind that sweeps across continents. Author-neurologist Judith M. Taylor not only traced the migratory movements of numerous plants but also introduced botany’s earliest explorers,

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California and the West Events

Fall 2020: Revealing San Francisco’s Hidden 19th-Century Black History: A Tour of California Historical Society Artifacts, lecture by Susan D. Anderson, SF History Days (video here)

Summer 2020: Harlem of the West: The Fillmore Jazz Era and Redevelopment, online lecture by Elizabeth Pepin Silva

Fall 2019: An event-filled two-day excursion to Sacramento

Fall 2019:  Tour of Marin Civic Center and presentation by member Bonnie Portnoy on The Man Beneath the Paint: Tilden Daken

Summer 2019: Reading of Judith Offer's play, Scenes from the Life of Julia Morgan

Fall 2018: Public Program, "South Asians in the South Bay: The Privileged Immigrants"

Spring 2018: Excursion to Niles area of Fremont with historic train ride and silent film museum

Spring 2018: The California and the West study group initiated the two public programs on "The Future of the Past in the Digital Age" and Benjamin Madley's talk on An American GenocideThe United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873.

Fall 2017: Martinez Adobe Fandango; Public Program: “Siberia and California: Connections During the Russian Revolution and Civil War”

Fall 2016: Amador County

Summer 2016: San Francisco Presidio

Winter 2016: Berkeley History Center

Spring 2015: Sonoma Plaza

Winter 2015: San Francisco Public Library

Summer 2014:  Red Oak Victory and World War II Homefront National Historic Park, Richmond

Spring 2014:  Los Gatos History Museum, "American Bohemia: The Cats Estate in Los Gatos”

Winter 2014:  Tour of California Historical Society exhibition on Juana Briones, January 25

Summer 2013:  Green Gulch Farm Zen Center visit, August 15

Spring 2013: Visits to Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum and the McCune Collection at the Vallejo Public Library, April 13

Play Readers Upcoming Meeting

In the abundance of caution recommended by health authorities, the group has decided to take a break from regular meetings.

Writers Group Upcoming Meetings

Sunday, August 11, 1:30 pm, via Zoom. Pam Peirce will present.

Public Programs

Sunday, August 21, 2:00 pm, Public Program via Zoom.
Writing and Revising Narrative History
A Presentation by Megan Kate Nelson
Join the Mechanics' Institute and the Institute for Historical Study for this exciting talk about writing with historian Megan Kate Nelson who left academia in 2014 to become a full-time writer. During this Zoom event, she will offer advice for writers who want to publish trade history books and other pieces for general readers. Dr. Nelson will talk about how to make the transition from academic to narrative history writing, how to revise manuscripts for trade publication, and how to pitch articles and Op-eds to newspapers and magazines.
Megan Kate Nelson is a historian and writer, with a BA from Harvard and a PhD in American Studies from the University of Iowa. She is the author of four books: Saving Yellowstone: Exploration and Preservation in Reconstruction America (Scribner 2022); The Three-Cornered War: The Union, the Confederacy, and Native Peoples in the Fight for the West (Scribner 2020; a finalist for the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in History); Ruin Nation: Destruction and the American Civil War (Georgia, 2012); and Trembling Earth: A Cultural History of the Okefenokee Swamp (Georgia, 2005). She writes about the Civil War, the U.S. West, and American culture for The New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Smithsonian Magazine, and TIME. Before leaving academia to write full-time in 2014, she taught U.S. history and American Studies at Texas Tech University, Cal State Fullerton, Harvard, and Brown. She grew up in Colorado but now lives in Boston with her husband and two cats.

Next Monthly Program

Sunday, August 18, 2:00 pm, Monthly Program via Zoom.
The Early Chinese of Sonoma Valley
A presentation by Peter Meyerhof

Chinese grape growers in the Sonoma Valley (1880)

The history of the early Chinese who lived in the Sonoma Valley has been almost forgotten. Today they represent less than 1% of the population of the Valley, yet at one time, close to one-quarter of the residents were Chinese immigrants. They adapted successfully to life among a very different culture and became an integral part of the community, yet were prevented from full integration into the greater society. We can get beyond the stereotypes of nameless Oriental men and look into the lives of several individuals whose identities and stories have been preserved. What emerges are diverse narratives of exploitation, acceptance, fear, respect, and friendship, that reveal as much about the Chinese as the rest of the population.
Peter Meyerhof has doctorates in both cell biology and dentistry, but researching the history of Northern California is what has occupied his free time over the past 30 years. He has received awards for his original research on a variety of historical topics. He has published some of his work over this period and, now retired, plans to research and publish much more. He has been active in the Institute for Historical Study for over ten years and has shared his work with us before.
Using photographs, oral histories, and historical documents, Peter will weave the stories of individual Chinese residents into the history of events that shaped their life in a small rural valley.
You are welcome to invite friends and colleagues to attend.
We need a volunteer to write a short report on the presentation for the newsletter. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the program coordinator (Dan Kohanski).
The presentation will be recorded, and the question-and-answer part will be posted on YouTube for IHS members only. If you don’t want to be on the recording, just make sure your video is off. And please remember to mute your microphone!

About Us

The Institute for Historical Study is a community of researchers, writers, and artists. Our common bond is a devotion to history in its many forms. Through wide-ranging programs, we share research, ideas, and practical advice and provide a public forum for the discussion of history. 


We Promote:

  •  the study and discussion of history outside the traditional classroom setting
  •  research, writing, performances, exhibitions, and other expressions of historical study
  •  non-traditional and interdisciplinary areas of study as well as traditional approaches to history



Member News

Members' Recent Activities:

Welcome New Members

Actually it is “welcome back” to Alison Klairmont Lingo, who was previously a member of the Institute. Alison received her Ph.D. in history from UC Berkeley. Following her dissertation, “The Rise of Medical Practitioners in Sixteenth-Century France: The Case of Lyon and Montpellier,” she has written numerous articles for a variety of scholarly publications in the area of early modern medicine, including the topics of female medical practitioners, women’s health, midwifery, history of the body. In 2014 she joined the Department of History at UCB as research associate. Alison received the Josephine Roberts Award for the best scholarly edition in the field of early modern women and gender published in 2017: Louise Bourgeiois, Midwife to the Queen of France. She is currently exploring the debate about medical instruments and female midwives in France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Institute president Elizabeth Thacker-Estrada recruited not only her colleague Patricia Southard but also her sister Alice Joanna Thacker, whom she introduces here. Patricia Southard has degrees in library & information science, gerontology, and psychology. Most recently, she worked at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area Park Archives in San Francisco. She has written and lectured on a variety of subjects including the history of libraries and archives, holocaust survivors, aging, women’s health, life transitions, and caregiving. She and Liz are researching and speaking on the relationship between US first ladies and women’s rights from colonial times to the present. They are planning a book based on their research.

Alice Joanna Thacker earned her doctorate in mental health at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London. Now retired, she was a senior lecturer there and a visiting tutor at Oxford University. She has had a keen interest in the history that surrounds her life in the U.K. and has been active in a variety of projects. She and her husband Bruce volunteered as excavators at the Neolithic Ness of Brodgar, an archeological site on the main island of Orkney, Scotland. They live in London on the site of the William Morris and Arthur Liberty cloth mills, a perfect setting for her to demonstrate her talent in historical textiles: spinning, dyeing, and knitting period costumes. On the grounds of the nearby medieval Merton Priory, close to the Chapter House, Alice is planning and planting a monastic garden that will feature herbal remedies and dye plants. She is looking forward to becoming acquainted with fellow Institute members in both the US and the UK.

Elizabeth Thacker-Estrada was invited to serve on the Advisory Board of the Corresponce of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore Project, an initiative of American University’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies. Three volumes of the presidents’ selected letters will be published. She also participated as a panelist in the program “In Sickness and in the White House: First Ladies’ Illnesses” hosted by the First Ladies Association for Research and Education (FLARE). Liz spoke about First Ladies Elizabeth Monroe, Letitia Tyler, Margaret Taylor, Abigail Fillmore, and Jane Pierce, and how, despite their ill health, they contributed to their husbands’ presidential administrations. Together with Patricia Southard, Liz presented “First Ladies and Women’s Rights, 1989-2009: A Century Ends, A Millennium Begins” at the Merced Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. They spoke about First Ladies Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Laura Bush.

At the annual meeting of Pro Ticino Nord California in March, Marilyn Geary read from her book Miners, Milkers & Merchants: From the Swiss-Italian Alps to the Golden Hills of Australia and California. She is also pleased to report that the book is being translated into Italian by the Swiss publisher Armando Dadò, to be released in August 2024.

Maria Sakovich was invited to speak to the  Russophone Los Angeles Research Collective about the earliest days (1922-1931) in the development of the second Russian Orthodox church in California, Holy Virgin Mary in Los Angeles. “My presentation preparation brought me back to research I had undertaken in the 1990s when I had first become interested in the post-Bolshevik emigration in California. The box labeled "LA and the Golitsin family" and "Zoya Leonard" folders brought forth treasures I had forgotten about. Very satisfying to bring this material to light.”

Oliver Pollak’s article “Disbelief and Disability: Vivian Edwards’ Transcontinental Goat Cart Odyssey, 1907-1910” was published in the Spring 2024 issue of the Nebraska History Magazine. The subject had its first public debut as a Monthly Program in February 2023.

Jody (aka Judith) Offer provided an update to her work with the group of volunteers at the North Star House in Grass Valley for the staged reading of her “Scenes From the Life of Julia Morgan.” “All reports are positive,” she wrote. “One of the actors put together an excellent slide show of Julia’s work to run with the reading. Another has brought in lighting, and the sister of the director is a professional costumer and has taken over the costuming. The director keeps in touch and reports they seem to be having a very fun time. So I think it will be good for North Star in every way. And I get paid. Can it get any better?”

Sondra Herman contributed a chapter to Alva Myrdal: A Pioneer in Nuclear Disarmament (Springer Cham, 2022). “Solidarity Abroad: Alva Myrdal’s Campaign for the Developing Nations” is the only chapter in the book not about her work for nuclear disarmament. Sondra also reports that she has written and self-published a memoir, My People, Our Places. “Among the sketches are childhood and college friends, people I met and kept in touch with in the Netherlands, and Professor John Higham for whom I was a research assistant when I was a graduate student at Rutgers University; the memoir concludes with an extended piece on my husband, Frank Herman, who died in August 2021. I recommend memoir-writing both as a pastime and as a gift to your family, especially grown children. I would love to hear about members’ experience with memoir-writing.”

Again this year (April 20th) Peter Stansky hosted “A Company of Authors,” presentations by Stanford writers and editors about their recently published books. Leslie Friedman chaired one of the panels, “Taking Action.”

Pam Peirce has cobwritten an article on the Unitarian minister Rev. Dr. Frank Scott Cory Wicks (1868-1952), whose ministerial career took place primarily at All Souls Unitarian Church in Indianapolis, 1905-1937. The short biography will appear in the Journal of Unitarian Universalist Studies, Vol. XLVII(Summer 2024). Later, a shortened version of the article will appear in the online Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist Biography (

Nathan Foxton’s solo exhibit of his art opens at Moth Belly Gallery (912 Larkin Street, San Francisco) on June 6th and up through June 29th.

In connection with the publication of her book (see below) Bonnie Portnoy “is celebrating two solo exhibitions. A four-month exhibit just concluded on March 30 at the Museum of Sonoma County—‘Tilden Daken: The Art of Adventure.’ A second exhibition of the same title, also curated by Museum of Sonoma County, showcases this spring in the House of Happy Walls Museum at Jack London State Historic Park, from April 19 through June 23. ‘My mother is looking down with tremendous pride—Tilden and Jack will be together again on Beauty Ranch.’”

Members’ New Books

Celeste MacLeod: After years of hard work and dedication, I am pleased to announce the release of my new book, A Woman of Unbearable  Opinions: Fanny Trollope, Dynamic Satirist, now available on Amazon.*
Americans were furious in 1832 when English visitor Fanny Trollope’s satirical travel book Domestic Manners of the Americans made fun of their insistence that they lived in the most exceptional country in recorded human history. But when she went back to England and wrote novels advocating for social justice, British reviewers accused her of being a dangerous radical. And when she wrote novels about English women’s experiences in oppressive marriages, reviewers excoriated these books as crude and vulgar. By examining Trollope’s life and the controversies generated by her writing, A Woman of Unbearable Opinions invites readers to consider the enduring relevance of these issues and encourages reflection and discussion in the context of modern society. "Fanny Trollope’s writings remind us that many of the challenges and debates she confronted in the 19th century are still very much a part of our contemporary world. The book delves into the fascinating life of a dynamic woman whom I greatly admire, and I believe it will resonate with readers of varied backgrounds and interests. I would be honored if you would consider reading it and sharing your thoughts with me."
Bonnie Portnoy: My fully illustrated biography The Man Beneath the Paint: California Impressionist Tilden Daken has just been published. Institute member Rose Marie Cleese  performed the final honing of my manuscript with great aplomb. About fifteen years ago, I joined the Institute and its Writers Group after launching my legacy project on artist Tilden Daken (1876-1935). Famous in his day, he was the grandfather I never knew. My 25-year research and writing journey began in 1999 while my mother was still living, the older of Daken’s two daughters, both born in Glen Ellen. I grew up hearing the stories from my mother of her father’s friendship with Jack London. Raised in Sacramento, Tilden Daken began to paint en plein air at the age of six, studied classical music, and mined for gold with his father in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Today he is considered one of the most prolific and adventurous painters in the American West. Historians claim he painted more than 4,000 works—landscapes in every California state park and national park in the West—from the redwood forests, to the High Sierra, to beneath the Pacific in a custom-built diving bell. The covers feature a beautiful tribute to Tilden’s legacy by Armando Quintero, director of California State Parks and a blurb by Nancy Dustin Wall Moure, the noted California art historian. The foreword is written by Matt Leffert, executive director of Jack London Park Partners. The book will be available in selected indie bookstores and museum shops, and online through the Nevada Museum of Art bookstore.
Mary Judith Robinson announced the publication of her Memoir of a Reluctant Debutante or When in Danger, Breathe. From the back cover: “She has had a career as a journalist, editorial writer, legislative assistant in the US Senate and House of Representatives. Adventures included exploring mind-expanding drugs that took her on unique journeys. Lessons learned were that ‘All things pass—a sunrise does not last all morning.’ She is the author of ten published biographies [five of which formed the basis of her Monthly Presentation in February–see page 4]. Her ancestors were colonial settlers of New England and New York, pioneers to the Midwest who settled Kansas City, Missouri, Lawrence and Wichita, Kansas, a founding professor of the University of Kansas, and the first Episcopal Bishop of California. The memoir can be ordered from Judith: Telegraph Hill Press, 562 B Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94133-7057.

Members:  Please submit news of your history-related publications, lectures, awards, research finds, etc. to

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